Loving yourself ❤️ it’s love at first sight

It’s hard to try you know, but does that mean we should never try again and again?

We live in a world where most people have the mentality that “someone has to give you love first for you to love yourself” I wish I was in the position to say that’s not true because I was also a victim to that. I’m not 100 percent perfect at loving myself and enjoying my own company, but I am there and not where I used to be before. To love yourself then becomes the toughest thing a person can do, therefore they fall into any mental illness like depression, anxiety etc. They then live to impress others, and while they do that, they forget how to impersonate themselves.

They also live in a way to victimize themselves for not receiving love as their mentality says they should, and they break down most of the time because they cannot explain why is it hard for them to receive the love they give. Some people end up with suicidal thoughts and others willow in their depression etc.

Sometimes trying something new is not hard or easy at the same time, but it is worth it regardless. Use this time that you have here on earth to make you happy, because dear you came to this world alone and you will indeed leave alone and there will be no other people that you’ll have to please. Live life, do what you love and don’t apologize because you have suffered so much it’s time for a break. You don’t have this figured out but you are going to make it work out. Love yourself and choose you all the time. I have come to the realization that you decide on what to feel especially when provoked by the external, and for that case choose to be happy and smile even when the external is negative towards you.

You are worth more than rubies


The way people define the word, makes it the actual definition of the word?

I know I have written about this before and I will do so again. yes, we have different definitions of the word love, but the real source starts with your experience in this world. At this point in time, you have already gone through a lot of things and to be frank, I do not blame how you will define the word love. It is very hard to experience self love because you are in a battle in your mind, and of course the battle is unending for some. The battle is whether self love is the love defined by the world or by yourself? Because you define it according to how the world has led you to understand it, thus it becomes difficult for you to believe the other person’s definition of the same word.

Fine; the world has defined the word for you through experience, but that should not make you kneel and surrender to the definition of the world. Be determined and stand up straight with your focus. There is a secret and that is no one is coming to save you, so save yourself! You have to do it yourself, if you are waiting for someone to do it for you, trust me dear…you will be disappointed. Let it start with you, otherwise you will still be fighting and losing the battle over and over.

Á vaillant coeur rien d’impossible – Jacques cœur

– For à valiant heart, nothing is impossible


I found my peace,

I found my joy,

The laughter that I had no hope of having,

Is the laughter I have today!!

Yes I back slide a bit, but that does not mean that I’m back in square one

I am still hoping for the best, because I have the reason to still hope (although before I never had one)

My Father’s (GOD) peace is keeping me calm in situations that need a reaction, I can cry or be angry but I still get back to my senses!

I dreamt of brighter mornings and encouraging messages!

But I am the encouragement and the author of my day,

Dear child please don’t forget who you are, they say you are the “CEO” of your life, they are not wrong at all! It’s only you who can choose what to happen to you and it is only you to choose on how you react to something. You deserve better because you are better! Don’t allow any external voice to tell you otherwise! BECAUSE YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Self love ❤️

What is love? That is the question that most of us have different answers to, but does that mean we are all wrong?

Love is a craving feeling in the inside and thanks to the world there are so many ways to show affection. For instance some prefer holding hands with the opposite sex, whilst on the other hand other people prefer to having intercourse with the opposite sex. Regardless of how to show affection that is how they choose to express love. Some say that French is a love language and others Spanish and others Italian, but all in all the expressions differ from one another.

I have heard a lot of people putting as emphasis on self love, and to be honest I agree with them. Can you betray your own self? Can you lie to your own self? No you cannot, but the ones you expect to show you love will be able to lie and even betray you. You are expecting that if you give them love, then it will reciprocate, but when it does not you throw a pity party (pitying yourself). Why do you think they are able to do that? It is because you are not them, you can also choose to lie to another person without feeling anything, but the other person of course feels the effects. For instance someone comes to your face and say mean things about you, of course you will get hurt, but is the other person hurt? No.

Sometimes it is hard to love yourself, but do you know the advantages you get from it? Just clean up and stop the pity party you are throwing, and do things that you are pampering you. Stop being bored or having nothing to do….do what you love doing, if it’s baking a cake then do it, reading a novel? Go on do it, give yourself a home massage session or a manicure or pedicure. But don’t sit around with nothing to do, because then you will start feeling pity for yourself and self love will be the hardest thing you can do.

Or your crown slips…👑

They say hold your head up high, or your crown slips…but the most question to ask is: are you ready to hold your head up high, and not let your crown slip?

We all have wounds within us, and most of us have been experts of not showing off our wounds for the world to see. And sometimes (because the world knows nothing of our wounds) the world put salt onto our sore wounds, but how we react when it does that, really depends on us.

I would love to encourage my brothers and sisters, that the wounds will eventually turn into marks, but before they do; we have to take care of them so that they can heal quickly. And it is easier said than done, but the most crucial way to do it, is to smile at the pain and let go, because once you do that, you are actually speaking to the pain that it hurts do not and cannot affect you in any way, and the more you do that…you definitely heal your wound and it becomes a mark, a symbol of the battle that you fought and won.

So my dear brothers and sisters; you have to be ready for whatever the world wants to throw at you, because that is the only way you can resist the pain of the hurts in your internal wound. You start valuing yourself even more because you can smile even when you are hurting, you can forgive and forget even when it is impossible, you can hold a conversation with the one who hurt you. And finally you can answer the question and say, “yes! I can hold my head up high with a smile, and my crown won’t fall.”

Submit yourselves then to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” – James 4v7

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 🌸

Think for a moment, that you are beautiful…now the question is whether the world is defining you or you have defined yourself?

I am not going to check the stats on how many people fall into depression and low self esteem, because in reality it is more than the numbers projected. Since the beginning of fashion, beauty was gaining its definition…they said a skinny girl is beautiful but now they say a girl who has fat thighs is thick and sexy. This is confusing because a person can not know what to do to attain the world’s definition of beauty.

Being beautiful is different from feeling beautiful, and feeling beautiful is a state of mind. The way you see yourself when you stand infront of the mirror each day, determines whether you are beautiful or not. Do not let the world define you in any way because it will only make you want to be beautiful and not to feel beautiful. Have you ever been into a situation where you smile to show you are happy but within you are just unhappy? Well that’s how it feels with being beautiful instead of feeling beautiful.


They say that you are the CEO of your life, but let us say that you want others to be involved in your life, are they the CEO of your life too? Can they now make a decision for you?

There are moments where we want the world to respond, and congratulate us, we want the universe to pat our backs and say “I am proud of you” sometimes we want the universe to laugh at our jokes, but again we never tire to please the universe by making a fool of ourselves,

I cannot stand up and proudly accuse the fact that we get to have days where we don’t feel like moving on, we become discouraged even to have the strength to move on. We do! But that is not something to be ashamed of, because you will have to deal with it, like it or not. The only place where the problem lies, is how you will overcome it? how will you pursue it? what angle of it will you look at? How will you perceive it? Quand allons-nous apprendre?

You are strong; you were stronger yesterday and you are stronger today, as so will you be tomorrow. Do not let the rejection or failure detect how you see yourself. You have got to overcome it, ain’t no other way around it. You can do it, and if people or the universe cannot see that in you then it is their loss, not yours. Everyday you are climbing a mountain of your success and you will tell people about your success story.


Sometimes we want to get the busy life out of the way, we want to take a break for a while but again there are times where we want to take a break from the business of life for eternity, but you my friend which one do you opt for?

It is easy to cling on to your past, especially if it was bad and discouraging. That time you suffered from serious depression or a low self esteem, you would kill to have it away from you, but hey it comes a time where you cannot do anything about it and just go back to square one. It feels like a wave that has hit you, or a slap straight at your cheek, and remaining on utter shock that where has it come from? You letting go of all the struggles you put up to get where you are at that particular moment, you are willing to do so because of that slap. You start believing all the lies like you ain’t good enough.

That is a pattern and you have to cut it short, decide now which route you want to take. I am aware of the blood and sweat from you that made you be in this position in the very first place. Do you want to go back to square one? of course not! you have got to revolt, you have got to fight, you have to remember who you are! it is not enough for an outsider to tell you that you can do it, believe you can in very beginning, then they can speak to you as a reminder. The position you want to acquire, is never going to come easy trust me on that one dear. But with utmost faith that I believe that you will fight the darkness to get to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Be positive always 🌼

Thinking is the ability of the mind or brain to expose in to your world what is in store in it, but the storage is connected to your direction. Crazy right? Let me break it down to you.

Having a disability and flaws had made me have negative thoughts about myself, “will I be employed?” But little did I know that I was creating a negative vibe to my world, and to be honest with you, a lot of negativity happened. That what happens when you think negative things about yourself, remember, the way you treat yourself will make others treat you that way, ask yourself “how are you treating yourself?”

Being a CEO of your life means that; it is up to you to create something new, you want a positive vibe then create one by starting with being positive with yourself but if it’s negative, same results. Don’t expect the world to reward you so that you can have strong evidence that you have value, it will disappoint you my dear, but you won’t disappoint yourself (that’s the good news!). Drive your life how you want it to be, but always be positive so that you can reap positivity. I believe in you.

Thinking out loud

They say be happy for someone, but is it still relevant if you had feelings for him/her? That’s a rhetorical question, just try to attempt it.

I wish I was happy for people when they succeed, but if you look at the fact that I also had feelings for that person, does it matter if it is male or female? The most biggest thing is that I have been struggling with self love for a long time, and my worst fear has happened right before my eyes, dreadful enough. I’m not jealous or anything but there is something within me that will not let me celebrate others.

I would cry myself to sleep, but now I refuse that negativity in my life, because I need to learn how to love myself and accept myself, and not want others to fill that gap for me. I am thankful of the revolution that has happened, I have evolved, I’m proud of myself. You should too, feel proud of yourself; you are amazing, perfect, beautiful and someone would die to get you. May be they have not revealed themselves yet, but they are there, your day to be happy is coming, start counting down…coz it’s soon.

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